Citrus and Tea Cake
Satin Supreme Clean Label Creme Cake
Deli Citron
Belcolade Ganache
Puratop White and Shiny Earl Grey Glaze
Deli Citron Creme Cake
Satin Supreme Clean Label Creme Cake——-1000gr
Deli Citron————————————————–900gr
Mix all ingredients together for 5 minutes. Deposit into silicone molds.
Bake at 360°F for 20 minutes. Cool and freeze overnight. Un-mold
cakes and leave in freezer till ready to dip
Earl Grey Glaze
Puratop White N Shiny————————————500gr
Earl Grey Tea—————————————————-AN
Water, Boiling————————————————225gr
Steep tea for 5 minutes. In a mixer with the whisk attachment add
Puratop White and Shiny and whip for 5 minutes on high speed.
Add tea to get desired consistency. Dip frozen Deli Citron Creme
Cakes. Let set in reach-in for 1 hour.
Belcolade Ganache
Belcolade Ganache—————————————500gr
Heavy Cream———————————————–200gr
In a mixer with the whisk attachment combine Belcolade Ganache
and heavy cream. Whip till light in color. Pipe onto cake and garnish.