FIG/HIGO 3/11.16# BAGS

  • Convenient packaging for easy storage and use.
  • High-quality figs ensure freshness and flavor.
  • Versatile ingredient suitable for various baked goods and desserts.
SKU: SDFIG Category:


Tailored for discerning bakers, the Fig/Higo 3/11.16# Bags offer a convenient and flavorful solution for incorporating the sweet and unique taste of figs into a variety of baked goods. These high-quality figs are carefully selected and packaged to ensure freshness and quality, making them perfect for adding a burst of natural sweetness to breads, pastries, cakes, and desserts. Whether used as a filling, topping, or standalone ingredient, these figs elevate baked creations with their rich flavor and versatile texture, providing bakers with endless opportunities to create delicious and memorable treats.